Arctic Deeply—Indigenous Saami communities are expressing concerns about a proposal to build a railway across northern Norway and Finland, saying that the line would disrupt their reindeer herding traditions.
Read MoreArctic Deeply—The World Wildlife Fund spent 18 months scoring how well Arctic nations are meeting their environmental goals. But as the WWF Arctic Programme’s communications chief Clive Tesar explains, the grades are just part of a bigger picture.
Read MoreArctic Deeply—By including $1.8 billion in oil and gas revenues from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in its 2018 budget, the Trump administration has set out to dismantle former president Barack Obama’s conservation and climate legacies in the American Arctic.
Read MoreArctic Deeply—As climate change ushers new plants and animals into the Arctic, new conservation models are needed, and we’d be wise to learn from the region’s original inhabitants, says Finnish geographer Tero Mustonen.
Read MoreMen's Journal – On Friday President Trump signed an executive order mandating a review of the latest five-year plan for offshore natural gas and oil leasing, which the Obama administration finalized in November, as well as all regulations related to leasing energy development, including wind, in federal waters. The order also reverses President Obama’s ban on offshore drilling in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas off northern Alaska.
Read MoreArctic Deeply – For decades, wind, river and ocean currents have carried DDT, PCBs and other persistent organic chemical pollutants into the Arctic from industrial and agricultural production elsewhere in the world, creating serious health problems for humans and wildlife as they accumulate in the food chain.
Read MoreArctic Deeply – The 2015 Paris agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions may not prevent as much as half of the permanently frozen soils at the Earth's highest latitudes from thawing, according to a new study.
Read MoreArctic Deeply – Strangely warm temperatures are sending the Arctic Ocean's sea ice on a downward spiral that could have far-reaching implications for the region's people and wildlife. The strange winter of 2016-17 has closed with air temperatures over the Arctic Ocean still several degrees above freezing, and sea ice poised to set a record low not seen over nearly four decades of satellite tracking.
Read MoreTakePart – Most of Alaska just sweated through the hottest October on record, according to new figures released today by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Overall temperatures in the state were 4 degrees Fahrenheit above the 20-century average, with the Arctic communities of Nome, Kotzebue, and Barrow seeing record-setting highs, said Rich Thoman, a climate scientist with the Alaska Region of NOAA's National Weather Service.
Read MoreThe Guardian—If the total amount of ice on the planet’s surface remains the same, does it really matter where it is? Short answer: Yes.
Read MorePopular Science—Global warming is remaking the Arctic, opening new opportunities for scientists to study and understand the region's ecosystems.
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