Drilled News — I conceived and produced this series of local 2020 election and environmental racism stories, the inaugural reporting project of Drilled Local.
Read MoreThe Revelator — President Trump promised massive deregulation — and although he’s lost some cases in court, his successes still threaten people’s health and the climate.
Read MoreAudubon News — The Coastal Resources Barrier Act protects 3.5 million acres of bird habitat and saves taxpayers billions—but it uses decades-old, hand-drawn maps.
Read MorePopular Science — New cases, shifting strategies, and the uncertainty of a reshuffled bench
Read MoreReveal/Center for Investigative Reporting—The Trump administration's nominee to lead NASA is a climate change denier with no sci-tech background. If he's confirmed, he'll be able to set the nation's climate science agenda for years to come.
Read MoreOceans Deeply—Imagine the weight of 80 million blue whales, the largest animal to ever roam the planet. That’s how much plastic has been produced over the past seven decades, growing from 2 million metric tons in 1950 at the dawn of the era of petroleum-based plastic, to more than 400 million metric tons annually in 2015.
Read MoreMen's Journal—The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers have released a proposal to rollback the "Waters of the U.S." rule, or WOTUS. Finalized by the Obama administration in 2015, the rule tackled a longstanding ambiguity in the original Clean Water Act — where state, local, or private oversight of a wetland or small waterway ends, and federal jurisdiction begins.
Read MoreOceans Deeply—An international study finds that protecting huge swathes of the ocean offers the best chance to save coral reefs, marine life and coastal areas vital to human health from the impacts of global warming.
Read MoreMen's Journal — Gregg Treinish, the 35-year-old founder of Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation (ASC), is shocked at how far micro-plastic pollution has spread into the environment. His group has found tiny plastic beads and fibers in samples from the most remote tropical seas and glacial meltwaters.
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Men's Journal – Some 56 programs at the Environmental Protection Agency are being targeted for funding cuts or elimination, according to a leaked internal agency memo published last week by the Washington Post.
Read MoreMen's Journal – On March 29 Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke signed an order to end the Obama administration’s 2016 moratorium on new leases to mine coal on federal lands. The order also killed an ongoing analysis of the program’s impacts on the environment, particularly how the carbon dioxide created by burning that coal would hinder U.S. efforts to blunt the worst impacts of climate change.
Read MoreMen's Journal — A congressional move to rescind the Bureau of Land Management’s “Planning 2.0” rule is on its way to President Trump’s desk.
Read MoreMen's Journal – It looks like the conspiracy charges against Oliver Schmidt, Volkswagen's top emissions compliance executive in the U.S., aren't the end of potential emissions cheats by diesel-engine carmakers. A few days after Schmidt's arrest by the FBI last week, regulators announced that Fiat Chrysler Automobiles had not disclosed software that hid regulation-breaking excesses of oxide of nitrogen emissions.
Read MoreTakePart – Candidate Donald Trump promised supporters that he would "cancel" the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stave off catastrophic climate change. President Donald Trump will be able to make good on that vow, although only in terms of United States participation in the accord.
Read MoreTakePart – Warming ocean waters have been destabilizing some of the massive ice shelves around Antarctica for years. Now scientists have figured out that some of this ice is melting far more quickly than previously thought, according to a study published Tuesday. That has implications for how much sea levels will rise over the next several decades and centuries.
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