Reveal/Center for Investigative Reporting—The Trump administration's nominee to lead NASA is a climate change denier with no sci-tech background. If he's confirmed, he'll be able to set the nation's climate science agenda for years to come.
Read MoreReveal/Center for Investigative Reporting—Seven months into his presidency, Donald Trump has yet to fill dozens of science leadership roles at federal agencies. Of Trump’s 12 nominees and appointees, six have worked for the industries they would regulate or award contracts to.
Read MoreTakePart – Warming ocean waters have been destabilizing some of the massive ice shelves around Antarctica for years. Now scientists have figured out that some of this ice is melting far more quickly than previously thought, according to a study published Tuesday. That has implications for how much sea levels will rise over the next several decades and centuries.
Read MorePopSci — Dutch engineer Boyan Slat has a plan to cull millions of tons of animal-killing plastic debris out of the world's oceans, called “The Ocean Cleanup.” But marine scientists have serious concerns about the project.
Image: Carol Meteyer, USGS
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